분류 전체보기1788 태국어 학원 시작 돈 벌랴 연주하랴 이제 태국어 까지 시작했다. 설상가상으로 공인인증서 갱신일 까지 겹쳐 한바탕 쇼를 했다만. 무책임은 아무런 안정도 줄수없다는 걸 알기에 .. 오늘도 노력하고 산다. 2015. 9. 8. chill. korean om FB There are some people who don't live self directed life. They are concerned that is to show off knowing famous people. Do you think be able to be like their being? Chill out. 2015. 9. 6. 태국 콘도 셀프 리모델링 태국 콘도 셀프 리모델링 1주간의 노가다. 2번의 몸살을 겪으며. 콘도 리모델링 끝. 2015. 9. 3. there is no leeway for us It was simple happening once more. I dont believe that any scoops. But I was still naive i think they must made it. Nevertheless it made me who was anxious consciously. Because I had been many bad experiences while in army. They tried to make some situation unconditionaly for their advantage. we already could not looking forward anything from now's goverment. I thought what we were just ele.. 2015. 8. 26. 이전 1 ··· 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 ··· 447 다음