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젤리 코코넛 젤리 코코넛 일반 코코넛과 종이 다른 코코넛이란다. 물 대신 젤리같은게 들어있고 흰색 알맹이도 훨씬 많이 들어있다. 맛은.... 비싸고 맛있는 거라더니 ㅋ 그냥 불태운 10밧 짜리 코코넛이 최고! ​​​ 2016. 1. 23.
아줌마 뭐 라고요? Yesterday I was asked something by my thai language classmate who is korean women older than me and has a few son who is same age with me. That asking was why I am living here like that not to marry yet as commonly korean people who are living in korea. It's not right question for me at least. Above all she couldn't ask me like that. Because she never lived not to married before. Plz S.. 2016. 1. 20.
태국어의 요일과 월 완짠. 월요일 완암칸. 화요일 완풋. 수요일 완파라핫 목요일 완쑥. 금요일 완싸우 토요일 완아팃. 일요일 드안 막까라콤. 1월 드안 꼼파판 2 드안 미나콤 3 드안 메싸욘 4 드안 프르싸파콤 5 드안 밋투나욘 6 드안 까락까다콤 7 드안 씽하콤 8 드안 깐야욘 9 드안 뚜라콤 10 드안 프릇싸짜까욘 11 드안 탄와콤 12 2016. 1. 8.
korea news makes me crazy. Today i was calling with my mom. She offered me about well established life. Basically I won't live like that. Who does decide best life style? What is the good life for us? I'm afraid when i see most korean people's life. cause there is only forced life and no compossible things. I have known that people's just following social system unconditionally Just Some superior peopl.. 2015. 12. 31.